frank caprio

Judge Caprio Rings Bell after Cancer Treatment

Renowned Judge Frank Caprio on lessons from the bench in his fight with pancreatic cancer

A Devastating Loss

A Break For A Korean War Vet

El Abogado Honesto

Don't Judge Me: First Day Failure

Viral judge Frank Caprio is known for compassion he shows in court #shorts

'Ben Affleck Played Me'

Judge Caprio: I Don't Know What the Future Holds

A Gift From Brazil

Judge Frank Caprio to retire from Providence Municipal Court

The Power of a Smile

Victory for the Vets

The Judge from India

The Italian Hearing Aid

The Judge’s Granddaughter!

Caught in Providence: Car Clock

Caught in Providence: An Honest Boy

5 Days in Jail!

Caught in Providence: The Breakfast Verdict

Judge Caprio Taken Aback by a Motorist's Appreciation

How beloved Judge Frank Caprio's fans are bringing him new hope in his fight against cancer

Music To My Ears

An Honorary Pakistani